Owe Money Pay Money


“Owe Money Pay Money” is your guide to How to Settle Your Debt in Singapore WITHOUT Applying For Loan.

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Are you in debt and feeling overwhelmed? Don’t lose hope! EDUdebt has managed to help over 10,000 people get out of debt and into a life of debt-free freedom. Through this comprehensive book, you will learn about systems that can trap people into debts, how to pay off your debt, and the Debt Repayment System (DRS) Program. It provides tips on how to get out of debt. Don’t wait any longer – it’s time to find your freedom. Read this book to find out how.

About the author
Abbas Hamzah is the founder and CEO of EDUdebt, a leading debt consultancy in Singapore. His mission is to help the community to end their debts effectively without taking any more loans.

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